Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Last Images Of Dr.D.G.S. Dhinikarn







Dr.D.G.S.DHINAKARAN ENDOWMENT FUND FOR THE POOR & THE NEEDY has been established in the name of Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran to help the poor, needy & the oppressed.

The Endowment Fund has been created in remembrance and in honour of the man after God’s own heart, the world renowned Evangelist Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran. He had been tirelessly preaching the love and compassion of God, healing the broken hearted even unto his sick bed.

As quoted in the Bible in 2 Timothy 4:7, The Apostle of Love, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran had fought a good fight, finished the race and has kept the faith. Let us continue the mission to serve the oppressed.

You can participate by helping the poor and oppressed with your pledge or gift to Dr.D.G.S.DHINAKARAN ENDOWMENT FUND FOR THE POOR & THE NEEDY

Isaiah 58:6-9 talks about sharing our blessings with the poor and the hungry. God has blessed us and to be blessed more; God wants us to share with those who have so little. And it is the source of true blessings and the fulfillment of His promises in our life.

Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran is the founder of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Born on July 1, 1935, he had a very tough life being torn by the ailments of poverty and agony of unemployment.

Unable to bear the agony of these problems, on February 11, 1955, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran decided to put an end to his life. He started towards the nearest railway track in his village to throw himself before the speeding train when he was stopped by his uncle who introduced Jesus Christ. He experienced a sudden wave of divine peace and hope, flood his heart. His mind was transformed and he returned home enlightened.

After this incident, things started happening in him supernaturally. There arose an unquenchable thirst in him to spend hours together poring over the life-transforming pages of eternal Truth - The Bible, discovering secrets that could revolutionize human life. He spent hours talking to God and sought Him with all his heart.

The High Calling

Seven years of diligently seeking the Lord Jesus Christ!

Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran On October 9, 1962, he tarried at the feet of the Lord Jesus in prayer till midnight. He pleaded persistently. "Lord! Hear my prayer now and grant me Your power! Or else, slay me! I don't want to live as a powerless and phoney Christian!" Next day dawned. 10th October 1962! After an exacting day in the bank, he returned home at 9.30 in the night. Supper over, he joined the family prayers. He longed to have a glimpse of blessed vision of Jesus. The very next moment, a divine presence appeared in front of him! He was thrown into an ecstasy of joy. The Lord opened His eyes and with a radiant face, addressed him with a smile:

"My beloved son! I am Christ! Because you have been seeking Me diligently, I have come seeking you Myself, to bless you".

Yes! For three full hours he saw Lord Jesus face to face. The Lord gave His commission that has made his life a continual blessing to countless.

"My son! People might have heard of My love, but they haven't tasted it. So, I pour My love and compassion in your heart! This love will console their broken hearts and heal their diseased bodies. You will be witness to the power of My Holy Spirit."

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Eternal Spirit

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