Nothing Is Impossible with God
By Benny Hinn
As I study the amazing love of our heavenly Father for us, my heart leaps in praise to God. When I think again of the abundance that He so desires to bestow on His obedient children, I am humbled in the presence of such great love.
I know that like me you long to experience the fullness of His love. Otherwise you wouldn't have put in the time and effort to follow me on this journey to learn about the Father's desire to bring prosperity into our lives.
Yet perhaps you may be struggling deep inside. As much as you want to obey the Lord in the area of biblical giving, you just can't see how it's possible. Or you know, as I do, that with God nothing is impossible, but you don't know where to begin. God has called me to preach His glorious Word, and I want to do something that is a little bit different for me. I want to give you very concrete suggestions about how you can start on the biblical road to blessing. It is an old saying but a true one that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. In a nutshell, here is how to get on the biblical road to blessing:
Remember you're not alone - God will help you succeed.
Surrender to God's love - you will see His results when you live His way.
Give to God first - remembering His goodness.
Work hard - remembering you work for Him.
Provide for your own family members - remembering that god has given them to you.
Make a budget - remembering the Lord will give you power over satan's strategies.
Provide for others - remembering the best investment is for eternity.
Managing your money is never easy, which is why I'm so thankful that I don't have to rely on my own strength, insight, and willpower in the area of finances. Regardless of my past track record, God's Word is still the same: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13) That's right, today, right now, the power of the Savior is available to us when we make the courageous choice to do His will.
In partnership with the Master, you cannot fail!Now when I say this, I don't mean that doing His will in the area of finances will be easy. Indeed, you may even find yourself in a circumstance that appears in the natural to be absolutely impossible. This is exactly the situation the Lord delights in. When you put your trust in God alone, everything is possible with God. In partnership with the Master, you cannot fail!
My friend, the biblical road to blessing is a relationship, not a technique. It's not so much a way of living as it is a way of loving. And the highest form of loving the Father is surrender, and surrender manifests itself in obedience.
The Lord Jesus cautions us in Luke 12:15, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses." Yet you and I are bombarded by messages that our lives do consist in the abundance of things, and that we will be happier with just a little more. It's no wonder that someone has quipped, "If we had our lives to live over again...we'd need more money!"
Because of all these factors, the words of Jesus aren't merely a parable on the human condition, they are a commentary on the current state: "Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful." (Mark 4:18-19)
I declare to you in the name of the Lord that you can be completely and permanently set free in a moment if you will let the Holy Spirit have His way. You can stop right now and bow before the Lord and find freedom from financial bondage by surrender to His wonderful will.
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